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The Sweet Touch Page 3
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Page 3
At once he understood the situation. “I’m sure we can accommodate a birthday party. All of our restaurants have private dining facilities for conferences and parties. How many people do you expect?” He let out a sigh of relief. Destiny was sending one sexy young woman in his direction. He was sure of it.
“I don’t have an exact count yet, but there may be almost forty people coming, give or take a few more or less. Can you accommodate that many in one room?”
He almost laughed at her question. “We’ve had over a hundred for some of our functions. Forty will not be a problem. I assume you want a location in the Briarwood area. Correct?”
“Yes, that would work well for my family. By the way, the exact date is April 19 and we were thinking of an afternoon or early evening affair. I’ll know more when I discuss this with my siblings. As far as the presentation to your staff, I can give you a few dates and you can select the one that would work best. There’s a week of school vacation in March and I also have a few Saturday mornings this month which are open.”
What happened to the crowded schedule she’d mentioned at the mall demo? Evidently her mother’s birthday needs outweighed her time constraints, much to his satisfaction. “Let’s see if we can arrange something on a Saturday morning. I’ll probably be away during the March break.” He was planning to take Ethan skiing in Colorado over the holidays. Sports seemed to keep his son well occupied. “Give me the dates you’re free and I’ll get back to you in the next day or so.”
She rattled off three possibilities and he noted them down. “What’s the best time to call you?” he asked.
She was silent a moment. “I guess anytime between nine and ten would be okay. My home phone number is on the brochure. Do you still have it?”
“Why don’t you give it to me again?” He thought he’d put it in a safe place but one never knew.
“Okay.” She rattled off her number. “I’ll look forward to hearing from you then.”
“Sure thing.” And he’d look forward to their next encounter.
Fruit Cobbler
(No Baking Required)
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup walnuts
2-3 large dates, cut into small pieces
Pinch of sea salt
For the topping, combine the coconut and walnuts in a food processor. Process until finely chopped. Add the dates and sea salt, and process together until all are combined. Taste for sweetness. You can add more dates if necessary.
Fruit on hand (berries, peaches, mangos, etc.) to fill pan
2-3 large dates, cut into pieces
1 tablespoon lemon juice
For the fruit filling, combine any kind of fruit on hand such as berries, peaches, mangoes, etc. You can use frozen or fresh fruit or a combination. Heat fruit in a pot for a few minutes and add the dates and the lemon juice to the mixture. Taste for sweetness and add more dates if needed. You can also add some maple syrup or honey if you like it very sweet. Put fruit mixture in either small dessert glasses or one large Pyrex dish. Top with crumb topping and refrigerate. This can be served with a spoonful of yogurt or other creamy topping.
Chapter 3
Kate received a phone call from Dan the next evening. Evidently he was eager to settle on a date for her presentation.
“Can you make it this Saturday morning at ten? I’ll have about a dozen people in the group. However, I’d like to meet with you beforehand to work out some details. Are you free for dinner one evening this week?”
For some unknown reason Kate felt a sense of alarm at his invitation. “Uh, do you think that’s necessary?”
He almost laughed at her reluctance. Keeping his tone neutral, he said, “Yes, I do. Since this is Tuesday night, you have a choice of Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Which evening works best for you?”
She’d guessed he had a stubborn nature. Pausing a moment she considered her options. She’d spoken to Stacy and Greg about using one of the Brookhouse’s private rooms for the birthday party and received delighted responses. Now it was up to her to make sure everything went smoothly. “I guess Friday night would be okay.”
“Fine. I’ll pick you up at your place around six.”
“Why don’t I meet you at the restaurant instead?” If she had her own car, she could leave early.
“I’d rather pick you up, if you don’t mind.” His tone was firm.
She let out a sigh of frustration. “You do like having things your way,” she mumbled.
This time he couldn’t help laughing. “Guess you could say that. See you Friday.”
When the conversation ended Kate sat for several minutes, deep in thought. Maybe she was letting herself in for more problems than she imagined. She’d be better off hosting the damn party at her home. She thought about all the nitty-gritty trivialities entailed in that decision and quickly came back to her original idea. A party at the Brookhouse restaurant would be an elegant and festive affair. Her mother was sure to enjoy it. She’d go along with Dan’s plans for the time being.
Kate had chosen Friday evening since she didn’t run or bicycle with Reid McAllister after school on Fridays. Sometimes on Fridays they’d head to the Y for a swim and then a casual dinner. She’d have to alert him to the fact that she’d be tied up this coming Friday night. Of course this was business, not a date, she assured herself. There was no way she’d ever date the guy.
The moment that thought came into her mind, she experienced a strange feeling. Not exactly negative or positive—more like a spine-tingling feeling, like the beginning of a whodunit movie. Dan Brookhouse was an entirely different kind of man than Jared Wilson. She knew that instinctively. Jared would insist on his own way when it came to his welfare and never give an inch. He had a selfish streak and could be relentless in his attacks. She didn’t think Dan would stoop to the tirades Jared had put her through. Dan would simply state his case and, if she didn’t go along, he’d walk away.
Which should make her feel better about seeing the man. But the thought of ever getting involved seriously with anyone again was a frightening prospect. She loved the freedom to decide what she wanted to do and when she wanted to do it. It was as simple as that. Kate relaxed with this realization clear in her mind. Besides, she was probably making too much of the whole matter. Dan was simply interested in acquiring her expertise for his business. There was nothing more to it. A man as good-looking as Dan probably had hordes of females waiting to grab him.
Now why did that last thought bother her? Shaking her head in annoyance, Kate decided to put the whole matter out of her mind. She was overreacting to something that was most likely nothing at all. Relieved, she took out her yoga mat, turned on her music, and spent the next half hour stretching and holding poses. All thoughts of the day’s activities vanished, including any trace of one Dan Brookhouse.
~ ~ ~
“You have a business meeting Friday night?” Reid turned to Kate with a puzzled expression Thursday evening after they finished their run.
“Unfortunately,” she sighed, wiping a hand over her sweaty brow. “I’m doing a presentation Saturday morning for the Brookhouse restaurant chain. The owner wants to meet beforehand to go over details.”
Reid frowned. “That’s too bad. I wanted us to try a new Thai restaurant. What about Saturday night?”
Kate hesitated. She rarely made plans for Saturday evenings. It was too much like a real date. Besides, she needed quiet time after a busy week. “Let’s plan on next week. I have cooking classes Saturday afternoon and another presentation on Sunday. That’s about all I can handle.”
“You ought to slow down, Kate. Between all your classes and presentations, there’s hardly any time for fun things. I want to take you to the new nature preserve but we can’t seem to find a free day.”
She put a hand on his shoulder. �
��I’m sorry, Reid. You need a girlfriend who has more time than I can spare. What about Gina Marks? I see the way she eyes you whenever your paths cross. I’ll bet she’d jump at the chance to go out Friday evening.”
He looked annoyed. “Gina’s not my type. Besides, she’s practically a couch potato.”
“That’s why you’d be good for her,” Kate exclaimed. Seeing his expression darken, she added, “Okay, okay, it was just a suggestion. We’ll try the Thai place next week. I promise.”
After they went their separate ways, Kate questioned if seeing Reid almost every day was a good idea. He was beginning to depend on her and she didn’t want to encourage that kind of interest. For her their friendship was strictly platonic but she had a sneaking suspicion Reid wanted more. Running and cycling together brought them into close contact. Common interests like competing at triathlon events had strengthened the bond between them. How could she continue this relationship if Reid started demanding an increasing amount of her time?
Driving home Kate thought about relationships and the complications that came with them, yet one couldn’t be a hermit. Social interaction was a natural and necessary part of life. Most women she knew depended on a spouse or children to provide those necessary social ties. Single women had a tougher time filling that fundamental requirement. Sighing, she wondered if a dog could provide the companionship she craved without entanglements. Then again, she was rarely home and the poor dog would be lonely. Without a ready solution, she tried to erase the whole subject from her mind.
~ ~ ~
The week passed quickly. Kate rushed home from school Friday afternoon. She planned to shower, wash her hair, and find something to wear before Dan appeared at six.
She was probably fussing too much but she wanted to look and feel her best. She’d found wearing just the right outfit was important to her confidence. With someone like Dan, she’d have to be on her toes.
With continuing cool weather, taupe linen pants and matching jacket seemed a good choice. She paired it with a long-sleeved white jersey and sorted through her jewelry box for a necklace and earrings. A chunky silver necklace with a square turquoise stone caught her eye. Trying it on for effect, she decided it worked. Fortunately she had a pair of turquoise earrings to complete the look.
She was slipping into taupe leather heels when the doorbell rang. It was one minute before six. Why couldn’t he be five minutes late? Muttering under her breath, she hurried to the front door.
~ ~ ~
Dan rang the bell and waited. Kate’s home surprised him in a good way. It was unique and well-thought out— much like the woman herself. A ranch house, it was painted a dark mustard color with a white-painted front door and white shutters. Flower boxes in white with an assortment of lavender and deep purple flowers gave the home a cheery appearance. The brick-paved entrance walk was surrounded by an expanse of smooth tan-shaded stones. Several tall, earthenware pots held an assortment of plants with tiny tomatoes blooming all over. No grass-mowing for this front garden.
The door opened and she stood there looking a bit flustered. Had he come too early? He’d rushed to be on time. Friday had been an exceptionally busy day. They were opening two new restaurants and there were a myriad of details to handle. Not having time to change after work, he’d simply come as is and hoped for a peaceful evening.
“Hello,” he said appraising her. She looked fresh and lovely and her outfit was very well-coordinated. He liked that.
“Hi, you’re right on time,” she said.
She sounded a bit breathless. “Too early?” he inquired with a knowing smile.
She stepped back from the door. “I’ll just be a minute.”
“Take your time. It’s been a hectic day and I wouldn’t mind a few quiet moments.” He entered the foyer and followed her into a spacious, open-concept living-dining area. “I like this. Very airy and tropical-looking. Good ceiling height, too.”
Kate smiled for the first time. For some odd reason his praise sounded genuine. “I’ve spent the last few years trying to achieve just that.”
“Well, you’ve succeeded admirably.” Then he faced her. “Your house fits you.”
That same intimacy was in his voice and Kate couldn’t help responding to it. Her heart beat faster and her cheeks heated up. “I’ll just be a minute,” she murmured and left him to retrieve her handbag.
Looking around, Dan had the distinct feeling the house belonged only to Kate. He’d wondered about a man in her life. But there was no evidence here that she lived with one. He’d have picked up on it. That didn’t mean she wasn’t involved with someone, but he rather doubted it. With her schedule there was little time for dating. Which was fine with him.
Kate returned and on impulse said, “I’ve just had a greenhouse installed in my backyard. Would you like to see it?”
“Absolutely.” He fell into step next to her. “That’s quite an investment. What are you growing? I might like to try something like that for my house.” His son would love a greenhouse.
They proceeded down a long hallway to the rear of the home and into a screened-in lanai. Here too the furnishings were light and comfortable. To one side of the lanai was a picnic table, an outdoor sink, shelves holding an assortment of cooking items and counter areas. Kate must hold some of her cooking classes here.
As if in answer to his thoughts, she said, “I use this for teaching classes in good weather.” Opening the outside screen door she added, “Here’s my new teaching space.” She pointed to a small but well-built greenhouse set up on one side of the backyard. The other side of her yard featured a rectangular swimming pool with decking all around and several lounges. Pots with plants were everywhere lending the whole place a festive and colorful atmosphere. “I don’t have much room here to grow things,” she explained. “So I thought a greenhouse would be the answer.”
He followed her inside and felt warm tropical air on his skin. Breathing in he sniffed the scents of lavender and mint. The aroma of earth and growing things was calming. For the first time that day he began to relax. “This is a little piece of heaven,” he said quietly looking about.
“It is, isn’t it?” she said softly. “I feel the same way when I come here. Being around plants always does that for me.”
“You do that for me,” he murmured in a husky tone. “But then you know that.”
She took a startled breath as her eyes widened. “You don’t waste any time, do you?”
“Why waste time? We both feel the attraction.” He smiled at her confusion.
She couldn’t help the rush of emotion that washed over her. He had the most irrepressible smile. She hadn’t realized he had dimples ‘til that moment. And those deep blue eyes were warm and enticing. She didn’t know she was leaning toward him until he put a hand on her shoulder. That heated-up feeling came over her again. Taking a long, inward breath she strove for composure. “Um, maybe we’d better leave now.”
Sensing the moment was right, Dan bent his head and captured her mouth for a light kiss. When she didn’t retreat, he increased the pressure as his arm brought her closer. She was just the right height and her curves fit snugly against him. The flowery fragrance of her hair mixed well with all the other scents. Lifting his head he gazed into a pair of melting brown eyes that were wide with a mixture of apprehension and longing. The longing he could understand, but the fear was something else. Backing away, he gave her more space. “That was bound to happen. Now we’re over the awkward part and can enjoy the rest of the evening.”
For some reason, his words put her at ease. He exuded a strong, virile presence as if he could handle whatever happened and it would all work out. Why this should be, Kate didn’t understand. It was more of a subliminal knowing than something conscious. “If you say so,” she murmured.
Fieldstone, glass, and deep red stucco creat
ed a handsome exterior for the Brookhouse restaurant, Kate thought, as they entered the spacious building. The subdued lighting and dark paneled walls inside gave the place a quiet, dignified air. Red drapes and coverings for the comfortable chairs went well with the mahogany furniture. White linen tablecloths and gold candles in crystal holders added to the overall elegance.
“Hello, Mr. Brookhouse.” An attractive auburn-haired woman in a long black skirt and black blouse greeted them. “Your table is ready,” she said smiling.
“Thanks, Marianne.” Dan returned her smile and guided Kate toward a private area in the rear of the restaurant.
Once they were seated, a waiter appeared to fill their glasses with water and place a small loaf of homemade bread on the table accompanied by a dish of herbed olive oil. Dan ordered wine and a selection of appetizers for her to try. “I want you to sample some of our popular ones to see which you’d like to have for your mother’s birthday party. Also, when we order our entrées, I suggest we taste a number of possibilities from fish dishes to poultry and meat.” Then, remembering her presentation of raw foods, he added, “We do have several vegetarian entrées. Will many of your guests be vegetarians?”
Kate smiled ruefully. “Not really. My family can’t understand my preference for raw foods. Since I’ve been tending toward this way of eating for the last dozen years, I don’t think I’d be a good judge of the fish and meat items. I’ll leave that up to you, if you don’t mind. I would like to see what type of veggie dishes your chef can prepare. Also, I’d like to sample some of your salads.”
“That’s an easy order. I know our menu by heart so I’ll let our waiter bring us what I think you might enjoy.” Dan proceeded to give instructions to the experienced waiter he’d assigned beforehand to their table.