My Virtual Lover Page 4
I slept ‘til almost noon the following morning and woke refreshed. No nightmares. Lounging in bed, I reviewed the last few days’ events—the successful art opening, meeting Peter, the party last night. Tony would have enjoyed being a part of these happenings. Why did he have to be so far away? He was missing all the fun.
If he were here, I wouldn’t be tempted by Peter’s attentions. This last thought came like a splash of cold water, knocking my upbeat mood down a few notches.
A knock at the door roused me. “C’mon in,” I called, expecting Trish to appear.
Peter, balancing a tray, stood at the door. “Val, hope I didn’t wake you.” He advanced and set the tray down on a nearby table. “Fresh fruit, muffins and peppermint tea. How does that sound?”
He smiled and that adorable dimple appeared. I couldn’t help smiling back.
“Peter, how thoughtful of you.” I sat up in bed and tucked the covers around me. “I can’t imagine sleeping this late—usually I’m up by eight.”
He sat down next to me. “You must have been exhausted.”
His nearness was unnerving—what an attractive man. “Guess I was,” I murmured, suddenly aware of my brief attire. “What’s everyone up to?”
“Let’s see … Trish and Scott took a drive into town to do some errands.”
That left the two of us alone in the house—except for the robots. I didn’t count them. “I see.” My pulse accelerated; my face flushed.
His hand brushed my cheek, the side of my neck and then came to rest on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Val. Nothing will happen unless you want it.”
How could he know what I was thinking? He had an uncanny ability to see into my heart. I was touched by his concern for my feelings. Tears came to my eyes. Why couldn’t Tony be as sensitive? “Oh, Peter,” I whispered. “You’re the most empathic man I’ve ever met.”
The next moment I was leaning against his firm chest sobbing my heart out. His arms held me close.
“It’s all right, Val. Cry as much as you like. Sometimes life can be difficult.”
Tenderly he stroked my hair and murmured comforting words. “You miss Tony and you feel guilty about wanting me.”
He was so right it wasn’t funny.
“Let me tell you something. Tony would want you to relax and enjoy yourself. If you have an affair with me, it will not affect your relationship with Tony. Believe me—I know what I’m saying.”
His words rang true, for some reason. Or was I so needy I would crawl into bed with the first appealing man who wanted me? My mind raced back and forth between these two poles. Meanwhile, Peter’s hand cupped my breast while his other hand ventured lower, caressing my bottom. To be perfectly honest, it felt great. What if I was needy? Didn’t I have a perfect right to satisfy my physical desires? Tony probably had few qualms about an occasional fling while abroad.
With these rationalizations hammering away in my head, I gradually relaxed. Peter, sensing my surrender, slipped the straps of my nightgown from my shoulders and slid the gown down to my waist.
“So lovely, Val,” he murmured, touching the sensitive tips of my breasts with slow, circular movements.
They swelled and peaked under his caresses. I shivered with anticipation and a growing excitement. I didn’t know Peter very well, but I did know instinctively that he would be a gentle and expert lover.
“I want to see all of you.” He lifted me up to slide my gown completely off and ran his hands down the length of my body. “If I were an artist, I would paint you.” His long fingers traced the contours of my belly and upper thighs, ignoring my heated core, for the moment. His unhurried but thorough exploration increased the knot of tension coiled at the pit of my stomach. He was still dressed while I was nude, adding to my vulnerability, intensifying my craving.
“Lay down while I learn what is pleasurable to you.” His deep voice and vivid green eyes had a hypnotic effect; I did as he ordered. I seemed to have no will of my own.
With closed eyes I lay on my side, thighs apart, while he probed every private place with careful, measured motions. I moaned softly as he examined the folds of my sex.
“You’re getting hot and wet here,” he said, slipping a finger into my cunt. “Good—I like it when my touch excites you.”
There was an objective, almost impersonal quality to this encounter, which stimulated my sexual appetite. A stranger was discovering everything about my secret yearnings; all I had to do was be quiet and accept this lush gift.
How did Peter know all the right moves, the strokes that tantalized me, the light touch that teased and titillated? I couldn’t have ordered a more perfect lover.
Sensing my rising passion, he paused a moment. I arched my back and cried out a protest.
“Patience, Val,” he said firmly. “Delaying gratification increases the thrill.”
I didn’t want to delay anything. Caught in a maelstrom of hot desire, I swallowed my pride and begged for relief. A thought flashed through my overheated mind. Could there be a sadistic streak in him? If so, it only added fuel to the raging fire burning within.
“Don’t do this to me,” I cried. “It’s torture.”
He chuckled. “Sweet torture.” Then he lowered his head and, using his enticing tongue, whirled me into an escalating crescendo of rapture.
The release was monumental. I couldn’t move my limbs or open my eyes. Tenderly, Peter stroked me, easing my return to reality.
Through half-closed lids, I noted his satisfied expression; his green eyes sparkled with pleasure as he flashed me a broad smile. “I’m happy you enjoyed yourself.”
What a man! What a lover! I reached out and touched his face. “You’re the best, Peter.”
Picking me up in his strong arms, Peter carried me to a nearby chair. Setting me down, he pulled it closer to the table holding the tray of breakfast goodies.
“You should have a healthy appetite,” he said, sitting opposite.
He was still completely dressed while I didn’t have a stitch on. “What about a robe or something?” I asked, feeling self-conscious.
He rose, found my crumpled nightgown and draped it around my neck. “That should keep you warm.” His eyes twinkled with amusement.
“Thanks a lot,” I murmured, as I struggled to slip it on. Then I dug into the waiting repast. Everything tasted delicious. “Great muffins.” I heaped on fresh strawberry preserves and wolfed down two enormous ones. “I wonder if Trish has a robot cook?”
He nodded. “Lilly is excellent. She has a repertoire of over a thousand recipes. If you want the muffin one, I’ll get it for you.”
“No, thanks. I don’t have much time for cooking or baking, unfortunately. Can you cook?”
He seemed surprised by my question. “I know a few dishes, but I’m not guaranteeing any gourmet delights.”
After satisfying my hunger, I sat back with a sense of enormous well being. “Peter, I can’t begin to tell you how enjoyable that was.”
He moved his chair closer to mine. “Anytime you’re in the mood, Val, I’m at your service.”
A nagging thought jiggled in my mind. Why hadn’t Peter demanded some relief? If I climaxed before Tony, I knew he expected reciprocal treatment. “Peter,” I began, a bit hesitantly, “don’t you want me to satisfy you? Aren’t you the least bit frustrated?”
He threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, Val, you look so earnest. Don’t be concerned about my needs; I have excellent control.” Then he tipped up my chin and kissed me. “Whenever you’re ready for more sexual experimentation, let me know. There are many possibilities we have yet to explore.”
His husky tone and sensual glance promised a plethora of erotic experiences should I choose to follow that path.
I sipped the rest of my tea, mulling over his invitation. “Very enticing,” I commented.
“You’re the one who’s enticing,” he said, picking up my hand and kissing it lightly. "And adventurous, I’ll bet.”
“I do like trying new things and traveling to exotic places.” I heaved a long sigh. “Not that I’ve had many chances. I’ve only been to Europe once — actually Italy. Tony took me for a two week holiday summer before last. It was wonderful.”
Mentioning Tony’s name, I couldn’t help wondering how he’d react if he had viewed Peter pleasuring me. He was bound to find out — especially if I took Peter up on his tempting offer.
“We’ll have to correct that lack in your life,” Peter said. “Think about some of the places you’ve always wanted to explore. I’ll take you to as many as you have time for.”
“Really?” I know I sounded skeptical.
“Absolutely. I pilot my own plane and we can take weekend jaunts to destinations all over the world. Tell me where you’d like to go.” He held my hand and caressed it gently.
There was something about our conversation that triggered an indistinct memory of another talk I’d had recently, though for the life of me, I couldn’t seem to place it. “That sounds too good to be true.” God, there were so many places I’d like to visit.
“It is true, Val,” he said. “Pick a destination and we’ll fly there next weekend.”
He looked and sounded sincere. “Don’t you have to attend to your business interests?” I could just imagine Tony putting me ahead of his money ventures. Ha. That would be the day.
“Your desires take priority,” he said, raising my hand again to kiss my palm.
What a delightful man. I’d never had anyone tell me that I came first.
Where would I like to go? I considered the question for several long moments. “There are so many places —I love islands and I’ve always wanted to visit the Greek Islands.” Tony and I had almost made it on our Italian trip, but there hadn’t been enough time. “Also the Caribbean, the Hawaiian Islands, New Zealand — I could go on and on.”
He laughed. “Let’s start with one at a time. You mentioned the Hawaiian Islands and I’ve always wanted to go there, so next weekend we will. You’ve made a good choice. There’s only one thing I would ask.”
“What’s that?” I inquired uneasily. Was there a hidden agenda somewhere?
“That you travel light … one carry-on bag. Period. Besides, you won’t need much clothing.” He shot me a suggestive grin.
In my mind’s eye, I pictured the two of us carousing around the world, making love, having adventures, exploring different cultures and countries. There were endless possibilities
“I’m so glad I met you, Peter.” I leaned over to give him a kiss.
He framed my face with his hands and looked deeply into my eyes. “I’ve waited a long time to meet someone like you, Val. We’re going to be so good together.”
And I believed him. How could I resist those stunning green eyes?
* * * *
I returned from my weekend at the Lewis’ not only relaxed, but also rejuvenated—in body, mind and spirit. Peter proved to be a wonderful companion as well as a marvelous lover. We went horseback riding, played several sets of tennis with Trish and Scott and hiked for hours in the woods.
The only jarring note happened on my return. When I switched on my message board, Tony’s image flashed on the screen. “Val, give me a call when you get in.” That was it—short and simple.
My stomach did a flip and my palms grew sweaty. I’m not skilled at lying and, if Tony questioned me, I’d probably tell him the truth.
I could ignore his message—pretend I was still at the Lewis’. Yes. That was the wisest thing to do. Thankfully, I hadn’t allowed Tony to install sensors in my apartment that would permit him to visually scan my rooms.
“Why won’t you?” he’d demanded.
“Why do you need to check up on me?” I countered. “I don’t want pictures of me floating about the world. What if I walk around in the nude?”
He’d grinned. “That would be great. Besides, whenever I phone, you can observe me. And it’s not a question of trust—I miss seeing you, that’s all.”
I almost gave in—then I caught myself. He could arrange his schedule to be with me more often—I was certain of it. Why make it any easier for him?
After an unusually sound sleep — I’d disconnected the phone- I woke early and headed to the gallery to meet Trish. Officially we were closed on Mondays, but there was always scads of stuff to catch up on without the intrusion of the public.
Trish was already there when I arrived—unusual for her.
“Trish, you beat me to it. Did you rise at dawn?”
“Actually, Scott and Peter were leaving early and gave me a ride. Come and sit down a minute. We have to talk.”
Her serious tone and expression gave me pause. “What’s up?” I asked, shrugging out of my jacket and slipping into a chair. “Has anyone reneged on a sale?” Winston could have canceled that huge purchase and stopped payment on his check.
“Nothing to do with the gallery,” she said, not quite meeting my eyes.
“Good.” I breathed a sigh of relief. “So, out with it. You look like you’ve heard some bad news.”
Trish rose and paced up and down the small office. “It’s not that simple. I haven’t given you all the information about Peter that I should.” She halted and sliced me a cautious glance. “I wanted you to have a perfectly wonderful weekend.”
“And I did,” I exclaimed. “Peter’s one amazing guy; we really hit if off. Don’t tell me—he’s married and has six kids.”
She gave a short laugh. “Nothing that simple.”
“Well, out with it. I’m on pins and needles.” Whatever it was, I could live with it.
She sat down and drew her chair over to me. “Scott and Steve Ushimo are partners in a Japanese company experimenting with humanoid robots. A recent scientific breakthrough has allowed them to begin creating very advanced life forms that appear to be human—but are not.” She paused and gave me a pointed look.
Puzzled, I stared at her. “I don’t understand. What does that have to do with Peter? I know he’s involved in business dealings with Scott and Steve.” Then a thought occurred to me. “Is there something irregular going on? Did he embezzle funds?” Peter seemed sincere and honest, but I didn’t know him all that well.
She shook her head. “No, nothing like that.”
“Then what?”
“This is going to be difficult—I know you have an aversion to anything robotic, but here goes. Peter Flynn is Ushimo’s latest invention—an advanced humanoid robot who seems human in every respect.”
To say that I was shocked is putting it mildly. I sat in stunned silence for a full minute trying to digest this incredible news. I’d spent an entire weekend being wooed and won by a robot! Impossible.
“I don’t believe you,” I said flatly. It couldn’t be true. Peter was flesh and blood, like me. He had feelings, deep feelings. There was absolutely nothing machine-like about him. On the contrary, he was one of the most human people I’d ever met. “This is some kind of a joke, isn’t it?”
With a queer grimace, Trish rose and paced about again. “It’s not a joke and I’m sorry if the news upsets you. I wanted you to have some fun; you seemed so down these last few months.” She halted and gave me an intent look. “Does it really make all that difference? Aren’t you having the time of your life with Peter? What does it matter if he’s not exactly like us? In some ways he’s far superior to most of the humans one meets. Don’t you agree?”
I couldn’t argue with her—Peter was far superior to any man I’d ever met. But a robot? It would take awhile to accustom myself to this turn of events. “Does Peter know he’s a robot?”
“Yes. He’s aware of his status. In fact, he’s proud to be the most advanced life form ever created.”
Suddenly I remembered the brief conversation I’d had with Peter about robots and the remark he’d made. Something about robots doing things better than humans at times. Now it all made sense.
“Does Peter know I’ve been in the dark about hi
“Yes. He agreed with us initially about keeping his status a secret. But now he’s decided it would be best if you knew the truth. And I agree.”
I let out a long breath. “Well, this beats all. I’d never in a million years have thought I could fall for a robot.”
Trish gave me a sober glance. “Will this news change your plans? Peter is looking forward to piloting you around the world. He talked about visiting the Hawaiian Islands next weekend.”
Surprisingly, I still wanted to go with him. Part of me was in denial about his robotic status. I’m sure of it. Besides, this might be the one chance I’d ever have to travel. “I have no intention of altering our plans. Robot or not, he’s more fun to be with than anyone I’ve ever met.”
“Including Tony?” Trish asked softly.
The stab in my heart was unexpecte4. “What’s Tony got to do with it?” I said angrily. “He had every opportunity to be with me—and he chose otherwise. I’ve a perfect right to enjoy myself.”
Trish nodded agreement. “I’m sure he’d want you to.”
It was a strange answer—one I would recall later when the entire situation became clear to me.
After the astounding news about Peter’s robotic status, the rest of Monday proceeded smoothly—until early afternoon when I received two phone calls.
Tony called first. “Val, I’ve been trying to reach you all weekend. Didn’t you get my message?”
“I haven’t been home. Was there something important you needed to tell me?”
“Not really. Where were you? Your phone rang busy all night. You might want to check on it.”
Something about his skeptical tone indicated he suspected I was fibbing and had the phone off the hook. I didn’t really care. “Sorry you were inconvenienced, Tony. I spent a delightful weekend at the Lewis’. You missed a great opening and a super party.”
There was a moment of silence. “Glad you’re having fun, Val. I wouldn’t want you sitting home alone while I’m away.”